Web-based VR Education Contents Supporting VR-goggles and User Study

研究成果: 書籍/レポート タイプへの寄稿会議への寄与


This paper treats the user study for web-based VR education contents supporting VR-goggles. Educational materials using multimedia have ability to enhance the education efficiency rather than text books. Similarly, educational materials using new technologies like VR have ability to attract much interests of students. Based on Interest-Driven Creator Theory (IDC Theory), this means educational materials using VR may have high educational efficiency. For experiment subjects and exercise subjects, the most efficient learning environments should be the same as the real ones as possible. Educational materials using VR can provide virtually students with high immersive learning environments. Therefore, educational VR materials supporting VR-goggles may have higher education efficiency rather than the others. This may justify Seamless Interest-Driven Creator Theory (SIDC Theory). So, this paper introduces several web-based VR education contents, and also show simple user study results especially for the comparison between their web-browser mode and VR goggle mode.

ホスト出版物のタイトル31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings
編集者Ju-Ling Shih, Akihiro Kashihara, Weiqin Chen, Weiqin Chen, Hiroaki Ogata, Ryan Baker, Ben Chang, Seb Dianati, Jayakrishnan Madathil, Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef, Yuqin Yang, Hafed Zarzour
出版社Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
出版ステータス出版済み - 12月 2023
イベント31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Matsue, Shimane, 日本
継続期間: 12月 4 202312月 8 2023


名前31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings


会議31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023
CityMatsue, Shimane

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • コンピュータ サイエンス(その他)
  • 教育


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