The role of heat energy storage in the decentralized electrical grid stabilization: A system analysis

Frantisek Miksik, Takahiko Miyazaki, Josef Kotlik

研究成果: 会議への寄与タイプ学会誌査読


In this work, we analyse the potential grid stabilizing effects of the advanced double-effect adsorption thermal energy storage in decentralized and on-site domestic use. As the adsorption and thermochemical heat storage systems can provide both hot and cold, relative to the environment, the usage can be projected as continuous through the whole year for both air conditioning as well as hot water preparation. We show that the adsorption systems have the capability to elevate part of the immediate electric demands used for “hot and cold” preparation in the domestic and commercial environment as independent systems or in combination with other interactive parts of the electric grid. The adsorption thermal energy storage system introduced in this work can operate with high COP of >0.7 depending on the conditions and shows good energy stability over time. Additionally, the adsorption systems use thermal energy or electricity mainly for charging and only a negligible amount during the discharge. Hence, they can mitigate the adverse effects on the grid during the high demand periods and still deliver the necessary work while providing the grid operators with another stabilizing tool that can substantially enhance the effective utilization of renewable sources of energy.

出版ステータス出版済み - 2021
イベントInternational Conference on Power Engineering 2021, ICOPE 2021 - Virtual, Online
継続期間: 10月 17 202110月 21 2021


会議International Conference on Power Engineering 2021, ICOPE 2021
CityVirtual, Online

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • エネルギー工学および電力技術
  • 燃料技術
  • 電子工学および電気工学


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