Temperature- and displacement speed-dependence of notched strength at 1873-2023K of Alumina/YAG composite

S. Ochiai, Y. Sakai, K. Sato, T. Ueda, K. Morishita, H. Okuda, M. Tanaka, M. Hojo, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa, S. Sakata, A. Mitani, T. Takahashi

研究成果: 書籍/レポート タイプへの寄稿会議への寄与


The temperature- and displacement speed-dependence of unnotched and notched strengths at 1873-2023 K of directionally solidified eutectic Al 2O3/YAG (Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet with the composition of Y3Al5O12) composite was investigated experimentally by tensile test and analytically by the finite element method. The notched specimens fractured in a brittle manner at low temperatures and at high displacement speeds, but in a ductile manner at high temperatures and at low displacement speeds. The notched strength increased, reaching maximum, and decreased with increasing temperature under a given displacement speed and with decreasing displacement speed under a given temperature. For the finite element analysis, the temperature dependence of the Young's modulus was measured to be 345-0.0361T (T: temperature, K) GPa and the temperature- and strain rate-dependence of the flows stress in the plastic deformation stage of unnotched specimens was estimated as {(strain rate)/(1.23×10 5)}1/5 exp{1.81×104/T} from the reported data. From the comparison of the experimental- with analytical results, the increase in the notched strength with increasing temperature and decreasing displacement speed up to the maximum notched-strength value was accounted for by the increase in plastic zone size ahead of the notch. Also the decrease in notched strength with further increasing temperature and decreasing displacement speed was accounted for by the loss of the stress carrying capacity of the yielded ligament due to the softening.

ホスト出版物のタイトル11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11
出版ステータス出版済み - 2005
イベント11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11 - Turin, イタリア
継続期間: 3月 20 20053月 25 2005


名前11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11


その他11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 地盤工学および土木地質学


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