Techno-economic analysis on the balance of plant (BOP) equipment due to switching fuel from natural gas to hydrogen in gas turbine power plants

Daido Fujita, Takahiko Miyazaki

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

2 被引用数 (Scopus)


The concerns over greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impacts, climate change, and sustainability continue to grow. As a result of countermeasures, many modern gas turbine power plants and combined cycle power plants are considering to use hydrogen as a clean fuel alternative to fossil fuels in the power plant industry. We assessed the implications of such transition from natural gas to hydrogen as fuel in a gas turbine power plant’s balance of plant (BOP) equipment. Using the DWSIM process simulation software and the methodology of compression power changes against different gas compositions, the impact of blending hydrogen with natural gas on temperature differentials, energy consumption, adiabatic efficiency, compression power, and economic implications in gas turbine power plants were examined in this paper. We discovered, through analysis, that there was not a noticeable boost in compression power or energy consumption when 50% hydrogen and 50% natural gas were blended. Similarly, there was no discernible difference in temperature differentials or adiabatic efficiency when 30% hydrogen and 70% natural gas were blended. Moreover, mixing 50% hydrogen and 50% natural gas did not result in a noticeable cost climb. In addition, the techno-economic analysis presented in this paper offered valuable insights for power plant engineers, power generation companies, investors in energy sectors, and policymakers, highlighting the nature of the fuel shift and its implications on the economy and technology.

ジャーナルAIMS Energy
出版ステータス出版済み - 2024

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 再生可能エネルギー、持続可能性、環境
  • 燃料技術
  • エネルギー工学および電力技術


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