Short-term and long-term outcomes of 214 cases of non-immune hydrops fetalis

Kotaro Fukushima, Seiichi Morokuma, Yasuyuki Fujita, Kiyomi Tsukimori, Shoji Satoh, Masayuki Ochiai, Toshiro Hara, Tomoaki Taguchi, Norio Wake

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

58 被引用数 (Scopus)


Despite advances in diagnosis and management, non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) has a high mortality rate. Perinatal survival depends on the underlying disorder and the gestational age at diagnosis. As prognostic information is limited, this study acquired data regarding the neurological development of perinatal survivors.We performed a retrospective chart review of 214 cases in which NIHF was diagnosed antenatally. We recorded maternal demographic characteristics and interventions and their effectiveness, as well as the short-term outcome (survival) and long-term outcome including developmental quotients. Among the affected fetuses, 91 (42.5%) survived the perinatal period. Fetuses with chylothorax, chyloascites, or meconium peritonitis, and those in whom therapy was effective, had high survival rates irrespective of the type of intrauterine intervention. The subsequent intact survival rate was 28/56 (50.0%), with intact defined as ratio of the number of infants with normal development to the number of all infants followed. In contrast to the perinatal survival rate, the intact survival rate decreased as gestational age at diagnosis advanced. These findings suggest that the long-term intact survival rate depends on the underlying cause of NIHF. Additionally, while survival was improved with intensive perinatal care during the perinatal period, aggressive perinatal intervention was not a prognostic factor for neurological outcome.

ジャーナルEarly Human Development
出版ステータス出版済み - 8月 2011

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 小児科学、周産期医学および子どもの健康
  • 産婦人科学


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