Separation mechanism of tennantite and chalcopyrite with flotation after oxidation using oxygen

Himawan T.B.M. Petrus, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, Keiko Sasaki, Hideyuki Okamoto

研究成果: 会議への寄与タイプ学会誌査読

3 被引用数 (Scopus)


Flotation of arseno bearing minerals from their copper ore has been an interest due to the increasing awareness on protecting the environment by minimizing the possibility of exposed arsenic compound. Some approaches have been proposed, but the mechanisms of separations have not yet fully understood. In this study, oxidation using oxygen was applied. Instead of the complex copper ore flotation results, pure single mineral of tennantite and chalcopyrite foatability was conducted using Hallimond tube. Resembled with the flotation results of copper concentrate containing tennantite, the separation possessed the best result at alkaline condition (pH 11) at where the arsenic content was reduced from 3300 ppm to 1800 ppm. In order to be able to understand the mechanism of the separation atomic force microscope (AFM) was utilized. AFM images showed changes in morphology and behavior when minerals were treated in both acid and alkaline condition. It was found that the morphological change showed the reaction products representing the rate of reactivity of tennantite and chalcopyrite. From the measured force of adhesion, it can be observed that in alkaline condition the surface of both minerals is more hydrophilic than that in acidic condition possessing higher value. This is in accordance with the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra in which hydroxide moieties occupied the mineral surface in alkaline condition while elemental sulfur is in acidic condition.

出版ステータス出版済み - 2014
イベント27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014 - Santiago, チリ
継続期間: 10月 20 201410月 24 2014


その他27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 地表過程
  • 地球化学および岩石学
  • 地盤工学および土木地質学
  • 機械工学


「Separation mechanism of tennantite and chalcopyrite with flotation after oxidation using oxygen」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
