Retroperitoneal well-differentiated inflammatory liposarcoma: A diagnostic dilemma

Rinsaku Kawano, Akihiro Nishie, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Hiroyuki Irie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Daisuke Okamoto, Hidetake Yabuuchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Nobuhiro Fujita, Hiroshi Honda

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

10 被引用数 (Scopus)


We present a case of retroperitoneal well-differentiated inflammatory liposarcoma that was extremely difficult to diagnose preoperatively. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance images showed a 5-cm homogeneous soft-tissue mass with a decreased apparent diffusion coefficient and without fat component in the retroperitoneum. Minimal fat stranding was detected around the mass. The preoperative working diagnosis was malignant lymphoma or inflammatory pseudotumor, whereas the final diagnosis after surgery was well-differentiated inflammatory liposarcoma. As a result, only a large component of lymphoid infiltration was recognized as a tumor preoperatively, and minimal fat stranding represented a component of lipoma-like liposarcoma. In this entity, a lipomatous component could easily be missed on radiologic imaging because of the conspicuity of lymphoid infiltration. We should consider the possibility of this variant when we evaluate a retroperitoneal tumor.

ジャーナルRadiation Medicine - Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
出版ステータス出版済み - 8月 2008

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 放射線
  • 放射線学、核医学およびイメージング
  • 腫瘍学


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