Pressurized water electrolysis using hydrophobic gas diffusion layer with a new electrolyzer cell structure

Veeramani Vediyappan, Qiwen Lai, Takaya Fujisaki, John Andrews, Yoshitsugu Sone, Leonard Kwati, Hiroshige Matsumoto

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読


Direct production of pressurized hydrogen through polymer exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis without the usage of the external compressor is an industrially important approach to maximize energy efficiency. An additional challenge in conventional water electrolyzers is the lack of separation of the generated gases, hydrogen and oxygen, from water. In this report, we demonstrate the operation of a new water electrolysis cell at high inlet water pressure with the assistance of a hydrophobic gas diffusion layer (hydrophobic-GDL). This configuration allows the gas/water separation to take place at the electrode so that pressurized water-free gases can be the output due to water being injected directly into the membrane as a source of electrolysis for a continuous supply of water it prevents membrane dehydration. Another important feature is also the cell can be operable in a reversible operation by combining with fuel cell operation. The membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) were prepared using the hydrophobic-GDL, a Nafion membrane, and Pt-C/IrO2 catalysts. Electrolysis experiments were performed at different temperatures with pressurized water (ΔP = 0.05–0.4 MPa based on atmospheric pressure) resulting output was pressurized (0.05–0.4 MPa) hydrogen and oxygen gases. The current densities at 1.6 V of electrolysis voltage were 117, 188, 262 mA cm−2 at 25, 60, and 80 °C, respectively, and the hydrogen and oxygen gas evolution rates were consistent with theoretical values. It was found that increasing water pressure is beneficial to the electrode kinetics and there was an increase in water transport to the electrode surface as well as efficient gas separation and the production of pressurized gases.

ジャーナルSolid State Ionics
出版ステータス出版済み - 11月 2024

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 化学一般
  • 材料科学一般
  • 凝縮系物理学


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