On the isomorphism problem, indecomposability and the automorphism groups of Coxeter groups

研究成果: 会議への寄与タイプ学会誌査読


Let (W, S) and (W′, S′) be Coxeter systems, {W λ} λ∈Λ and {W Λ ′′ } λ′∈Λ ′ the sets of the irreducible components of W relative to S and of W′ relative to S′ respectively, and let f : W → W′ be an isomorphism of abstract groups. Their Coxeter graphs may not be isomorphic. We show that f(Π λ∈Λ,|Wλ|<∞ W λ) = Π λ∈Λ,|Wλ′ ′|<∞W λ′′, and that there is a unique bijection φ: {λ ∈ Λ | |W λ| = ∞} → {λ ′ ∈ Λ ′ | |W λ′′| = ∞} such that f(W λ) ≡ W φ(λ)′ mod Z(W′) for every λ ∈ Λ with |W λ| = ∞, where Z(W′) is the center of W0. We also determine which two finite Coxeter groups are isomorphic. Our result reduces the problem of deciding whether two Coxeter groups are isomorphic to the case of infinite irreducible Coxeter groups. As a corollary we determine which irreducible Coxeter group is directly indecomposable as an abstract group. In particular, any infinite irreducible Coxeter group is directly indecomposable.

出版ステータス出版済み - 2005
イベント17th Annual International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Formal Power Series, FPSAC'05 - Taormina, イタリア
継続期間: 6月 20 20056月 25 2005


会議17th Annual International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Formal Power Series, FPSAC'05

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 代数と数論


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