Modeling of interfacial multi-cracks in dissimilar laminated structures using a nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone approach

Yifang Qin, Shunhua Chen, Mitsuteru Asai

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

2 被引用数 (Scopus)


Recent decades have witnessed a growing interest in simulating interfacial debonding in laminated structures using cohesive zone (CZ)-based algorithms. In the present work, we develop a nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone (LM/CZ) approach to achieve the end with a special focus on interfacial multi-cracks in dissimilar laminated structures. The main advantages of the developed approach are four-folded: (1) being flexible for the mesh discretization of dissimilar laminated structures and compatible with various element types; (2) being computationally more efficient for dissimilar laminated structures; (3) addressing the so-called artificial compliance issue arising in intrinsic CZ modeling; (4) providing smooth transitions from uncracked to cracking states, and from cracking to contact states. In the presented approach, nodal pairs are constructed with the aid of a searching algorithm capable of dealing with matching and non-matching meshes in a unified manner. For each nodal pair, the displacement continuity is accurately enforced using LMs that are calculated in a predictor–corrector manner with a limited number of iterations. The constraints for nodal pairs are switched from LMs to cohesive forces after a defined criterion is satisfied. The non-penetration condition between interfaces is fulfilled using penalty-based contact forces in the cracking and pure contact states, leading to a smooth transition from cracking to contact states. The accuracy and effectiveness of the presented approach are validated using three benchmark tests. Finally, the capacity of the approach to describe interfacial multi-crack behaviors of dissimilar laminated structures has been exploited and demonstrated.

ジャーナルTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
出版ステータス出版済み - 10月 2024

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 材料科学一般
  • 凝縮系物理学
  • 機械工学
  • 応用数学


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