Microcoil embolization through a downsized coaxial catheter system: An experimental study

T. Tajima, K. Yoshimitsu, H. Irie, A. Nishie, M. Hirakawa, K. Ishigami, Y. Ushijima, D. Okamoto, H. Honda

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

2 被引用数 (Scopus)


Background: Most of the recently developed microcatheters for abdominal angiography still have large diameters at their trailing ends, and thus cannot be used for microcoil embolization in combination with a 3-French (F) system. Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro passage of microcoils through a newly developed 2-F microcatheter (Meister Cath Superselective Plus, MC6) that is compatible with a downsized coaxial catheter system (3-F system) in an experimental study. Material and Methods: We evaluated the passage of microcoils through MC6 within a blood vessel model using the saline flush technique. Six types of microcoils and 17 size variations (maximal curled diameter 2-10 mm, total length 20-140 mm) were used. We evaluated the passage and post-deployment shape of the microcoils as well as the volume of saline required to flush them. Results: In the experimental study, all microcoils passed through the MC6 and deployed in a satisfactory manner without catheter occlusion. The mean volumes of saline required to flush the TORNADO (n=1), Reverse TORNADO (n=6), HILAL (n=1), Micronester (n=3), VortX (n=4), and C-Stopper Coil (n=2) were 0.7 ml, 0.58±0.20 ml, 0.5 ml, 0.57±0.058 ml, 3.5±1.5 ml, and 0.70±0.14 ml, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean volume of saline required between the VortX and Reverse TORNADO (P=0.029), and between the VortX and C-Stopper Coil (P=0.031). The VortX required the greatest volume of saline. Conclusion: Microcoil embolization through a 3-F system appears to be feasible for the coils examined in this study.

ジャーナルActa Radiologica
出版ステータス出版済み - 2009

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 放射線技術および超音波技術
  • 放射線学、核医学およびイメージング


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