Hayabusa2 Sampler: Collection of Asteroidal Surface Material

Hayabusa2 SMP Team

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿総説査読

98 被引用数 (Scopus)


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the asteroid exploration probe “Hayabusa2” in December 3rd, 2014, following the 1st Hayabusa mission. With technological and scientific improvements from the Hayabusa probe, we plan to visit the C-type asteroid 162137 Ryugu (1999 JU3), and to sample surface materials of the C-type asteroid that is likely to be different from the S-type asteroid Itokawa and contain more pristine materials, including organic matter and/or hydrated minerals, than S-type asteroids. We developed the Hayabusa2 sampler to collect a minimum of 100 mg of surface samples including several mm-sized particles at three surface locations without any severe terrestrial contamination. The basic configuration of the sampler design is mainly as same as the 1st Hayabusa (Yano et al. in Science, 312(5778):1350–1353, 2006), with several minor but important modifications based on lessons learned from the Hayabusa to fulfill the scientific requirements and to raise the scientific value of the returned samples. In this paper, we will report the details of the sampling system of Hayabusa2 with results of performance tests during the development and the current status of the sampling system.

ジャーナルSpace Science Reviews
出版ステータス出版済み - 7月 1 2017

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 天文学と天体物理学
  • 宇宙惑星科学


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