Femtoscopic study of coupled-channel baryon-baryon interactions with S = −2

Akira Ohnishi, Y. Kamiya, K. Sasaki, T. Fukui, T. Hyodo, K. Morita, K. Ogata, T. Hatsuda

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿会議記事査読


The correlation functions of pΞ and ΛΛ pairs from pp and pA collisions are studied in the coupled-channel framework using the NΞ-ΛΛ coupled-channel baryon-baryon potentials obtained in the lattice QCD calculation at almost physical quark masses. The pΞ correlation function is calculated to be significantly enhanced from the pure Coulomb case, while the ΛΛ correlation function is slightly enhanced from that of the pure fermion quantum statistics. These features reflect the large and small scattering lengths in the pΞ and ΛΛ channels in magnitude, and agree with the observed data by the ALICE collaboration. The agreement confirms the S = −2 baryon-baryon potentials from lattice QCD.

ジャーナルProceedings of Science
出版ステータス出版済み - 5月 24 2022
イベント22nd Particles and Nuclei International Conference, PANIC 2021 - Virtual, Online, ポルトガル
継続期間: 9月 5 20219月 10 2021

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

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