Extrinsic attributes affecting local rice brand preferences: urban areas in Benin Republic

Bebechou Mariam Adam Dade, Nobuyoshi Yasunaga, Norikazu Inoue

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読


The purpose of this study was to examine factors based on extrinsic quality attributes that affect local rice preferences or consumption in urban areas of the Benin Republic (Benin). Benin has one of the highest rice import rates in Western Africa. Over the past decade, the level of rice supplied to the market has increased as compared with locally produced rice. To cope with this situation, rice institutions provide significant support to local production areas with an emphasis on intrinsic qualities. Consequently, consumers have become more willing to pay for locally produced rice. This trend is especially noticeable in production areas. On the other hand, imported branded rice continues to be preferred by urban consumers. This study examined consumer preferences in urban areas and rice producer marketing organizations using a Likert-scale question format. Surveys were conducted in four urban prefectures, and results were obtained from 200 urban consumers and 50 producers. A binomial logit model was used to examine the influence of the nine extrinsic factors. The results showed that the probability of respondent preference for local rice brands and the predicted coefficient for the variables “Packaging,” “Advertisement,” “Brand,” “Proximity,” and “Certification” of local rice brands that need to be improved in the urban area were positive and statistically significant. The study also revealed that consumers in urban areas preferred rice with good presentation (packaging); consumers were not informed about the availability of local rice brands (advertisement); consumers preferred to buy rice with a brand name as it helped them differentiate their favorite quality from others (brand); available evidence revealed that neighboring shops and urban open markets are where the consumers mostly buy (proximity). Finally, local rice producers affirmed that they ensure their products are controlled by a safety certification institution (certification). Lastly, based on these results, we also discuss various supportive measures to increase local rice production in Benin.

ジャーナルAsia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science
出版ステータス出版済み - 9月 2023

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 再生可能エネルギー、持続可能性、環境
  • 開発
  • 都市研究
  • 経済学、計量経済学および金融学(その他)


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