Discovering popular point of interests for tourism with appropriate names from social data analysis

研究成果: 書籍/レポート タイプへの寄稿会議への寄与


This paper proposes a method for determining an appropriate names of popular POIs (Point of Interests) obtained in a clustering-based social spatial data analysis. The proposed method utilizes several reverse geocoding APIs, such as Foursquare and Google, and selects the most probable name for each cluster. In addition, the author tries to figure out the adequate dataset size when the proposed name assign method is used. Because the proposed name assign method is not affected by the size of dataset. By using the collected data, more than 4 million geo-tagged photos of 5 cities from Flickr, the author confirmed that the proposed method can assign more proper name for the clustering results compared with a conventional tag-based name assign method, even if the size of dataset is small.

ホスト出版物のタイトルIWWISS 2014 - International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing
出版社Association for Computing Machinery
出版ステータス出版済み - 2014
イベント2014 International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing, IWWISS 2014 - Saint Etienne, フランス
継続期間: 9月 1 20149月 2 2014


名前ACM International Conference Proceeding Series


会議2014 International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing, IWWISS 2014
CitySaint Etienne

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • ソフトウェア
  • 人間とコンピュータの相互作用
  • コンピュータ ビジョンおよびパターン認識
  • コンピュータ ネットワークおよび通信


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