Development of a simple indocyanine green measurement method using an automated biochemical analyser

Yuka Sato, Masanori Seimiya, Toshihiko Yoshida, Yuji Sawabe, Eisaku Hokazono, Susumu Osawa, Kazuyuki Matsushita

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


Background: The indocyanine green retention rate is important for assessing the severity of liver disorders. In the conventional method, blood needs to be collected twice. In the present study, we developed an automated indocyanine green method that does not require blood sampling before intravenous indocyanine green injections and is applicable to an automated biochemical analyser. Methods: The serum samples of 471 patients collected before and after intravenous indocyanine green injections and submitted to the clinical laboratory of our hospital were used as samples. The standard procedure established by the Japan Society of Hepatology was used as the standard method. In the automated indocyanine green method, serum collected after an intravenous indocyanine green injection was mixed with the saline reagent containing a surfactant, and the indocyanine green concentration was measured at a dominant wavelength of 805 nm and a complementary wavelength of 884 nm. Results: The coefficient of variations of the within- and between-run reproducibilities of this method were 2% or lower, and dilution linearity passing the origin was noted up to 10 mg/L indocyanine green. The reagent was stable for four weeks or longer. Haemoglobin, bilirubin and chyle had no impact on the results obtained. The correlation coefficient between the standard method (x) and this method (y) was r=0.995; however, slight divergence was noted in turbid samples. Conclusion: Divergence in turbid samples may have corresponded to false negativity with the standard procedure. Our method may be highly practical because blood sampling before indocyanine green loading is unnecessary and measurements are simple.

ジャーナルAnnals of Clinical Biochemistry
出版ステータス出版済み - 7月 1 2018

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 臨床生化学


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