Deuteron-induced nonelastic cross sections based on the intranuclear cascade model with independent incident particles under interaction potentials

Masahiro Nakano, Yuji Yamaguchi, Yusuke Uozumi

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿学術誌査読

1 被引用数 (Scopus)


Deuteron-induced nonelastic cross sections are studied in an extended intranuclear cascade (INC) model. A three-body framework of proton, neutron, and target is introduced into the INC model to incorporate naturally the decomposition and capture reactions from weakly bound deuterons. This framework includes three types of interaction potential, namely proton-target, neutron-target, and proton-neutron, the last of which causes the two nucleons in the deuteron to oscillate and play an important role in its breakup. The calculated results reproduce well the experimental data for C12, Ca40, Ni58, and Pb208 targets with almost the same parameters as those determined previously for nucleon-induced nonelastic reactions. It is found that the contribution of the two-nucleon collision process increases with target size, that the contribution of the capture processes is limited to a narrow region at low energy for lighter targets, and that the contribution of the breakup process is relatively small compared to other processes. It is also concluded that discrete-level-constraint effects dominate in the low-energy region for light nuclei such as C12, while Coulomb effects dominate in the low-energy region for heavy nuclei. This result is consistent with the INC model of nucleon incidence, which explains well the nucleon-induced nonelastic cross sections at low energies.

ジャーナルPhysical Review C
出版ステータス出版済み - 7月 2022

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 核物理学および高エネルギー物理学


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