Current status of nanostructured tungsten-based materials development

H. Kurishita, S. Matsuo, H. Arakawa, T. Sakamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, H. Okano, H. Watanabe, N. Yoshida, Y. Torikai, Y. Hatano, T. Takida, M. Kato, A. Ikegaya, Y. Ueda, M. Hatakeyama, T. Shikama

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿会議記事査読

93 被引用数 (Scopus)


Nanostructured tungsten (W)-based materials offer many advantages for use as plasma facing materials and components exposed to heavy thermal loads combined with irradiation with high-energy neutron and low-energy ion. This paper first presents the recent progress in nanostructured toughened, fine grained, recrystallized W materials. Thermal desorption spectrometry apparatus equipped with an ion gun has been installed in the radiation controlled area in our Center at Tohoku University to systematically investigate the effects of displacement damage due to high-energy neutron irradiation on hydrogen isotope retention in connection with the nano- or micro-structures in W-based materials. In this paper, the effects of high-energy heavy ion irradiation on deuterium retention in W with different microstructures are described as a preliminary work with the prospective view of neutron irradiation effects.

ジャーナルPhysica Scripta
出版ステータス出版済み - 2014
イベント14th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, PFMC 2013 - Julich, ドイツ
継続期間: 5月 13 20135月 17 2013

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 原子分子物理学および光学
  • 数理物理学
  • 凝縮系物理学
  • 物理学および天文学一般


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