Aroma Nudges: Exploring the Effects on Shopping Behavior in a Supermarket

Yugo Nakamura, Yuki Matsuda, Shinya Misaki, Keiichi Yasumoto

研究成果: ジャーナルへの寄稿会議記事査読


Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, product sampling at supermarkets has been restricted, and the disposal of unsold vegetables and other perishable foods has become a problem. To explore alternatives to product sampling, this study focuses on the “aroma” generated during product sampling and explores the effect of aroma nudges on purchasing behavior. Specifically, we focused on the scenario of promoting the purchase of Yamato-maru eggplant, a traditional vegetable of Nara Prefecture in Japan. We conducted an experiment in a supermarket for two months, from June to July of 2021, the season of the Yamato-maru eggplant. We compared the number of visits to the sales booth, the time spent in the booth, and the sales volume under four conditions: (1) no presentation, (2) presentation of paper media, (3) presentation of the paper and video media, and (4) presentation of a paper, video, and olfactory media. The experiment results suggest that the inclusion of aroma nudges has a positive potential to attract consumer interest and positively influence their purchasing decisions.

ジャーナルCEUR Workshop Proceedings
出版ステータス出版済み - 2022
イベント17th International Conference on Persuasive Technology Adjunct, PERSUASIVE-ADJ 2022 - Virtual, Doha, カタール
継続期間: 3月 29 20223月 31 2022

!!!All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • コンピュータサイエンス一般


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