Nakamura Tomoki
- Tohoku University
- Kyushu University
- TohokuUniversity
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Department of Earth Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Earth Science
- Nagoya University
Abe Masanao
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
Yada Toru
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Washington University St. Louis
- Argonne National Laboratory
- The University of Tokyo
- Hiroshima University
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Laboratory for Space Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Materials Science Division
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Laboratory for Space Sciences and Physics Department
- Laboratory for Space Sciences and Physics Department
- The University of Chicago
- Argonne National Laboratory
Tachibana Shogo
- Hokkaido University
- Department of Natural History Sciences
- The University of Tokyo
- UTokyo Organization for Planetary and Space Science
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Horiba, Ltd.
Okada Tatsuaki
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- The University of Tokyo
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Sakamoto Kanako
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The University of Tokyo
- Kyushu University
Yurimoto H.
- Hokkaido University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Natural History Sciences
- Department of Natural History Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Catalysis Research Center and Division of Chemistry
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- The Natural History Museum, London
- Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
- Nagoya University
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Nakato Aiko
- Tohoku University
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Earth Science
- Department of Earth Science
- Kyoto University
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
- National Institute of Polar Research
Yabuta Hikaru
- Okayama University
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Osaka University
- Arizona State University
- Hiroshima University
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Geophysical Laboratory
- Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science
- Kyushu University
Yoshikawa Makoto
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Tsuda Yuichi
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- The University of Tokyo
- Hokkaido University
Nishimura Masahiro
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Nakazawa Satoru
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Japan Aerospace and Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Miyazaki Akiko
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
Terui Fuyuto
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Kanagawa Institute of Technology
- The University of Tokyo
Saiki Takanao
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Watanabe Sei ichiro
- Nagoya University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Graduate School of Environmental Studies
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The University of Tokyo
Usui T.
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- The University of Tokyo
- Ibaraki University
Yogata Kasumi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Tanaka Satoshi
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- The University of Tokyo
Nittler L. R.
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Arizona State University
- Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Zolensky Michael E.
- NASA Johnson Space Center
- Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science, KT
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Uesugi Masayuki
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Imperial College London
Nagashima Kazuhide
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Hiroshima University
Tsuchiyama Akira
- Osaka University
- Kyoto University
- Aso Volcanological Laboratory
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Geology and Mineralogy
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Ritsumeikan University
- CAS - Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
- Research Organization of Science and Technology
- Osaka University
- Osaka University
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ireland T. R.
- Australian National University
- Research School of Earth Sciences
- University of Queensland
Bajo Ken ichi
- The University of Tokyo
- Hokkaido University
- Natural History Sciences
- Department of Natural History Sciences
- Graduate School of Science
- Geochemical Research Center
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Terada Kentaro
- Osaka University
- Hiroshima University
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science
- Graduate School of Science
Takano Yoshinori
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Yokohama National University
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Department of Biogeochemistry
- Institute of Biogeoscience
- Inst. of Mar. Rsrc. and Environment
- Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology
- Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
- Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
- Keio University
Nagao Keisuke
- The University of Tokyo
- Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
- Graduate School of Science
- Geochemical Research Center
- Division of Polar Earth-System Sciences
- Laboratory of Earthquake Chemistry
- Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry
- Nikko Botanical Garden, Graduate School of Science
- Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry
- Graduate School of Science
- Misaki Marine Biological Station
- Osaka University
- Korea Polar Research Institute
Sakamoto Naoya
- Hokkaido University
- Department of Natural History Sciences
- Natural History Sciences
Michikami Tatsuhiro
- Fukushima National College of Technology
- Faculty of Engineering
- Kindai University
- National Institute of Technology, Japan
- National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College
Young Edward D.
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Department of Earth and Space Sciences
- Rigaku Corporation
Walker Richard J.
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Department of Geology
- University of Maryland
Shirai Kei
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Kobe University
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Piani Laurette
- Centre de recherches pétrographiques et géochimiques
- Université de Lorraine
- Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques
- Hokkaido University
Tang Haolan
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of Science and Technology of China
- Rigaku Corporation
Carlson Richard W.
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Earth and Planets Laborator Carne ie Institution for Science
- Seoul National University
Bizzarro Martin
- University of Copenhagen
- Institut de physique du globe de Paris
- Université Paris Cité
Ishikawa Akira
- The University of Tokyo
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources
- Dept. of Earth Science and Astronomy
- Department of Solid Earth Geochemistry
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Submarine Resources Research Project
- Ocean Resources Research Center for Next Generation
- Chiba Institute of Technology
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Hashiguchi Minako
- Hokkaido University
- National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba
- Kyushu University
- Faculty of Science
- Research Center for Planetary Trace Organic Compounds
- Nagoya University
Miyake Akira
- Kyoto University
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science
- Department of Geology and Mineralogy
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Beck Pierre
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Miura Yayoi N.
- The University of Tokyo
- Earthquake Research Institute
- Earthquake Research Institute
- Osaka University
Sugita Seiji
- The University of Tokyo
- Ibaraki University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Complexity Science and Engineering
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- Planetary Exploration Research Center
- Chiba Institute of Technology
Matsuoka Moe
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Observatoire de Paris
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Uesugi K.
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Osaka University
- Toyohashi University of Technology
- SPring-8/JASRI
- Research and Utilization Division
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- SPring-8/JASRI
- Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute (JASRI
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Instutute
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute (JASRI)
- JASRI/SPring-8
- Research and Utilization Division
- Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering
- JASRI/SPring-8
- Department of Production Systems Engineering
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- Research & Utilization Division
Itoh Shoichi
- Hokkaido University
- Kyoto University
- Faculty of Science
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Geology and Mineralogy
Takeuchi Akihisa
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- JASRI/Spring-8
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Instutute
- Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute (JASRI
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute (JASRI)
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- JASRI/SPring-8
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Institute (JASRI)
- Ritsumeikan University
Enju Satomi
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Kyoto University
- Ehime University
Yano H.
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Department of Planetary Science
- Planetary Science Division
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Sun Mingqi
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- CAS - Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Ritsumeikan University
- Tohoku University
Igami Yohei
- Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability
- Nagoya University
- Kyoto University
Langenhorst Falko
- University of Bayreuth
- Bayerisches Geoinstitut
- Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Takahashi Yoshio
- The University of Tokyo
- Hiroshima University
- Graduate School of Science
- Dept. of Earth/Planet. Syst. Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science
- Graduate School of Science
- Graduate School of Science
- Laboratory for Multiple Isotope Research for Astro-and Geochemical Evolution (MIRAGE)
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
Tatsumi Eri
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canrias
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- University of La Laguna
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Calle Vía Láctea
Sakatani Naoya
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Rikkyo University
Matsumoto T.
- Osaka University
- Kyoto University
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Geology and Mineralogy
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Aso Volcanological Laboratory
- Osaka University
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Kyushu University
Morota Tomokatsu
- Nagoya University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Quirico Eric
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Furuya Shizuho
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The University of Tokyo
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Yoshitake Miwa
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Patent Office
- Japan Patent Office
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Yamashita S.
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
Nakauchi Yusuke
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Fujimura Akio
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Jichi Medical University
- Division of Clinical Pharmacology
- Department of Clinical Pharmacology
- Steering Committee
Tomioka Naotaka
- Kobe University
- Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sci.
- Kobe Univeristy
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Japan Agency for Marine–Earth Science and Technology
Mathurin Jérémie
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris Saclay
- Université Paris-Sud
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
Ebihara Mitsuru
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
- Department of Chemistry
- Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- Antarctic Meteorite Research Center
- Faculty of Science
Alexander Conel M.O.D.
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Earth and Planets Laborator Carne ie Institution for Science
Seto Yusuke
- Kobe University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Planetology
- Osaka Metropolitan University
- Hiroshima University
Rebois Rolando
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Takeichi Yasuo
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Osaka University
Kebukawa Yoko
- Hokkaido University
- Faculty of Engineering
- Yokohama National University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Shimaki Yuri
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Dazzi Alexandre
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris Saclay
- Université Paris-Sud
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
Sakai S.
- Hiroshima University
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Kumamoto University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science
- Graduate School of Science and Technology
- Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
Bonal Lydie
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Kumagai Kazuya
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
Noguchi Rina
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Niigata University
Miyahara Masaaki
- Tohoku University
- Graduate School of Science
- Hiroshima University
- Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies
- Graduate School of Science
Yoshikawa Kent
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Tsukizaki Ryudo
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Hitomi Yuya
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Hayakawa Masahiko
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Ishihara Yoshiaki
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan
Hirata Naru
- The University of Aizu
- Research Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology
- School of Computer Science and Engineering
- Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering
- Kobe University
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
Noda Hirotomo
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Honda C.
- The University of Aizu
- Research Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering
Deniset-Besseau Ariane
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris Saclay
- Université Paris-Sud
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
Ishibashi Yukihiro
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
Soejima Hiromichi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ito Motoo
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology (JAMSTEC)
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology (JAMSTEC)
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology
- Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
- Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
- Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
Arakawa M.
- Center for Planetary Science
- Kobe University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Center for Planetary Science
Komatsu M.
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Saitama Prefectural University
- Waseda University
Namiki N.
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Yokota Y.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Kochi University
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Mukai Toshifumi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- The University of Tokyo
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Kyushu University
- Keio University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Phys.
- Hlth. Ctr./Dept. of Int. Med.
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Hatakeda Kentaro
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Ltd.
- Tohoku University
Iwata Takahiro
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Yamamoto Y.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Kikuchi Shota
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Chiba Institute of Technology
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Miura Akira
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Fujii Atsushi
- Ltd.
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Yoshihara Keisuke
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Yamada Tetsuya
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ohigashi Takuji
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Institute for Molecular Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Ikeda Hitoshi
- Kyushu University
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Matsumoto Koji
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Ogawa Naoko
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kimura Makoto
- Ibaraki University
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
Takeuchi Hiroshi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- Nagoya University
Hosoda Satoshi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Tohoku University
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Iijima Yuichi
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Japan Aerospace and Exploration Agency
Ohkouchi Naohiko
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Institute of Biogeoscience
- Submarine Resources Research Project
- Institute of Biogeoscience
Schmitt-Kopplin Phillipe
- Analytische Lebensmittel Chemie
- Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health
- Technical University of Munich
- Analytische Lebensmittel Chemie
- Analytical BioGeoChemistry
- Analytical Food Chemistry
- Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
- Analytical BioGeoChemistry
- Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ueno Munetaka
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Hayashi T.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Department of Physics
- Department of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
Cho Yuichiro
- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Rikkyo University
- The University of Tokyo
- Physics Department
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Ogawa Nanako O.
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Institute of Biogeoscience
- Submarine Resources Research Project
- Institute of Biogeoscience
Mita Hajime
- Fukuoka Institute of Technology
- University of Tsukuba
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Life
- Department of Life, Environment and Materials Science
Hertkorn Norbert
- Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health
- Analytical BioGeoChemistry
- Linköping University
- Technical University of Munich
Kimura Yuki
- Tohoku University
- Hokkaido University
- Waseda University
- Center of Interdisciplinary Research
- Earth and Planetary Science
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Environmental and Resources Engineering
- Institute of Low Temperature Science
Koga Toshiki
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Oba Yasuhiro
- Okayama University
- Hokkaido University
- Institute of Low Temperature Science
- Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Biomaterial Laboratory
- Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
- Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
- Institute of Low Temperature Science
Ruf Alexander
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Excellence Cluster ORIGINS
- PIIM UMR7345
- The University of Tokyo
Ozaki M.
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Department of High Energy Astrophysics
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Vuitton Véronique
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Kawaguchi Junichiro
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Aerospace Research and Development Directorate
- Aerospace Research and Development Directorate
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Kyushu University
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Australian National University
Thissen Roland
- Université Paris-Sud
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris Saclay
Orthous-Daunay François Régis
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Département Mesures Physiques
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Graham Heather V.
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Karouji Yuzuru
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Lunar and Planetary Exploration Program Group
- Space Exploration Innovation Hub Center
- Osaka University
Osawa Takahito
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- The University of Tokyo
- Neutron Imaging and Quantum Beam Analysis Group
- Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry
- Misaki Marine Biological Station
- Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry
Yamada Keita
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Hokkaido University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Department of Chemistry
- Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering
- Institute of Low Temperature Science
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Wakabayashi Daisuke
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
Nakashima Daisuke
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
- Kyushu University
- Tohoku University
- WiscSIMS
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Wolters Cédric
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Kawahara Kosuke
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Iwamae Ayako
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Toyo University
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kameda Shingo
- Rikkyo University
- Physics Department
- College of Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Imae Naoya
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
- Antarctic Meteorite Research Center
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Ogami Toshihiro
- Tohoku University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Earth Science
- Fukuoka Prefectural Government
- Department of Earth Science
Shirai N.
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Department of Chemistry
- Kanagawa University
- Seikei University
Chikaraishi Yoshito
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Japan Agy. Mar.-Earth Sci. T
- Department of Chemistry
- Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
- Res. Program for Paleoenvironment
- Program for Paleoenvironment
- Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE)
- Hokkaido University
Konno Mitsuru
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Global Application Center, Naka Division
- Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
Hiroi Takahiro
- Brown University
- Department of Geological Sciences
- Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Bradley John P.
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
Hashizume Ko
- Osaka University
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Osaka University
- Ibaraki University
Mikouchi Takashi
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Tanaka Masahiko
- Photon Factory Inst. Material Sci.
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba
- Synchrotron X-ray Station at SPring-8
- National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Synchrotron X-ray Group
- The University of Tokyo
- Kyushu University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Yamagata University
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Bhabha Institute
- University of Tsukuba
- Tohoku University
- Osaka University
Tanaka S.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- The University of Tokyo
Fujimoto Masaki
- Nagoya University
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Kyoto University
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Department Ofgeophys
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Sato Masahiko
- Kyushu University
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Department of Environmental Changes
- The University of Tokyo
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Troadec David
- Université de Lille
- Universite de Lille 2
- Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Nomura Shin Ichiro M
- Tohoku University
- Department of Bioengineering and Robotics
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Aoki Junken
- Tohoku University
- The University of Tokyo
- Iwate Medical University
- Showa University
- Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
- Department of Health Chemistry
- Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Department of Neurosurgery
Araoka Daisuke
- The University of Tokyo
- Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ishida Akizumi
- The University of Tokyo
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- WiscSIMS Lab
- Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
- Tohoku University
Phan Van T.H.
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
Takaoka Nobuo
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Kurosawa K.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Chiba Institute of Technology
- Kobe University
Kawagucci Shinsuke
- The University of Tokyo
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Kyushu University
- Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources
- Development of New-generation Research Protocol for Submarine Resources
- Laboratory of Ocean-Earth Life Evolution Research (OELE)
- Department of Subsurface Geobiological Analysis and Research (D-SUGAR)
- Research and Development (RandD) Center for Submarine Resources
- Precambrian Ecosystem Laboratory
- Subsurface Geobiology Advanced Research (SUGAR) Project
- Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources
- Development of New-generation Research Protocol for Submarine Resources
- Department of Earth Sciences (D-ERDW)
- Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Submarine Resources Research Project
- Institute of Biogeoscience
- Department of Chemical Oceanography
- Institute of Biogeosciences (Biogeos)
- Ocean Research Institute (ORI)
- Ocean Research Institute
Kawahara Kousuke
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kato T.
- Japan Fine Ceramics Center
- JPN Fine Ceramics Center
- Nagoya University
- Nanostructures Research Laboratory
- Nanostructures Research Laboratory
- Department of Quantum Engineering
- Nanostructures Research Laboratory
Kouyama T.
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Artificial Intelligence Research Center
Righter Kevin
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASA Johnson Space Center
Matsui Yohei
- Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources
- Development of New-generation Research Protocol for Submarine Resources
- Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
- Development of New-generation Research Protocol for Submarine Resources
- Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources
Suzuki A.
- Center for Planetary Science
- Kobe University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Center for Planetary Science
- Toyo University
- Marine Works Japan Ltd.
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Ishida Hatsumi
- Tohoku University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Earth Science
Matsuno J.
- Osaka University
- Kyoto University
- Aso Volcanological Laboratory
- Department of Geology and Mineralogy
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Ritsumeikan University
- CAS - Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
- Kyushu University
Shimojuku Akira
- Okayama University
- Tohoku University
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Inst. Mineral., Petrol./Econ. Geol.
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies
- Inst. Study of the Earth's Interior
Tanigaki T.
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Center for Emergent Matter Science
- Central Research Laboratory
- Research & Development Group
- Hitachi Ltd.
- Ltd.
- Ltd
Nagahara Hiroko
- The University of Tokyo
- Yamaguchi University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Graduate School of Science
Ohtani Eiji
- University of Bayreuth
- Tohoku University
- Ehime University
- Nagoya University
- Institute of Mineralogy
- Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology
- Petrol. Economic Geol., Tohoku U.
- Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology
- Institute of Mineralogy
- Inst. Mineral. Petrol./Econo. Geol.
- Institute of Mineralogy
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Petrology and Economic Geology
- Inst. Mineral. Petrol. Economic G.
- Petrol., Economic Geol., Fac. S.
- Inst. Mineral.
- Inst. of Mineral. Petrol./Econ. Geol
- Laboratory of Nuclear Science
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies
- Inst. Mineral., Petrol./Econ. Geol.
- Graduate School of Science
Pilorget Cedric
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris Saclay
- Université Paris-Sud
- Institut universitaire de France
Fukai Ryohta
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kasai H.
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Advanced Research Laboratory
Yasutake Masahiro
- Faculty of Engineering
- Kyushu University
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Hydrogen Energy Systems
Sumino Hirochika
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Basic Science
- Geochemical Research Center
- Graduate School of Science
- Laboratory of Earthquake Chemistry
- Osaka University
Iwata Takahiro
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Akashi Tetsuya
- Hitachi, Ltd.
- Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
- The University of Tokyo
- Advanced Research Laboratory
- Institute for Solid State Physics
- Ltd.
- Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering
- Hitachi Ltd.
- Kyushu University
- Ltd
Matsumoto Koji
- Hyogo Cancer Center
- University of Tsukuba
- Medical Oncology Division
- Hyogo Cancer Center
Hosoda Satoshi
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Sakamoto Kanako
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Umegaki I.
- Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
Yamamoto Yukio
- The University of Tokyo
- Kyushu University
- Yamagata University
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Osaka University
- Department of Physics
- International Center for Elementary Particle Physics
- Faculty of Engineering
- Environmental Science Center
Hamajima Y.
- Kanazawa University
- Low Level Radioactivity Lab
- Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Faculty of Science
Takeuchi Hiroshi
- Nagoya University
- IFMIF-EVEDA Project Team
- Dept. of Chem. Eng.
- Department of Chemical Engineering
Takahashi Tadateru
- NEC Corporation
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- The University of Tokyo
Takeshita S.
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
- Muon Science Laboratory
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Wakita S.
- Tohoku University
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Kyushu University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Graduate School of Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Material Science
- Division of Theoretical Astronomy/Center for Computational Astrophysics
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yano Hajime
- Ehime University
- Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
- Osaka Bioscience Institute
Hirose Chikako
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Mita Masashi
- Shiseido Company, Limited
- Innovative Science Research and Development Center
- Frontier Science Division
- Frontier Science Div.
- Shiseido Laboratory
- Inc.
- KAGAMI Incorporated
- Ltd
- Inc.
- Ltd.
- Inc
Yakame Shogo
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Yamaguchi A.
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Polar Research
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Ikeda Hitoshi
- Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
- Dokkyo Medical University
- Japanese Study Group for Allied disorders of Hirschsprung’s Disease
- Hokkaido University
Wada Koji
- Kitasato University
- Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Usui Tomohiro
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Ibaraki University
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Shimada Takanobu
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Riu Lucie
- Université Paris-Saclay
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Universite Paris Saclay
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- European Space Astronomy Centre
Soldini Stefania
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- University of Liverpool
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Nishimura Masahiro
- Nagasaki University
- Hiroshima University
- Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
- Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
- Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
- Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
- Kagoshima University
Hasegawa Sunao
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Miyake Y.
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency
- J-PARC Center
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Institute of Materials Structure Science
Nagano T.
- Osaka University
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Osaka University
Sakamoto Naoya
- Hokkaido University
- Tokyo Medical and Dental University
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- First Dept. of Internal Medicine
- Kyushu University
- Institute of Science Tokyo
Yoshida Ryuji
- Japan Fine Ceramics Center
- Nanostructures Research Laboratory
- Nanostructures Research Laboratory
Yamamoto Yukio
- Kyushu University
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harir Mourad
- Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health
- Analytical BioGeoChemistry
Yamada Tetsuya
- Tohoku University
- Division of Advanced Therapeutics for Metabolic Diseases
- Department of Metabolic Diseases
- Department of Metabolism and Diabetes
- Tokyo Medical and Dental University
- Department of Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Dental University
- Department of Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Institute of Science Tokyo
- Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Noguchi R.
- Osaka University
- Department of Earth Space Science
- Department of Earth and Space Science
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Osaka University
Kilcoyne A. L David
- Advanced Light Source
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Advanced Light Source, Berkeley
- United States Department of Energy