Name Akihiko SHINOZAKI
Title Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University, Japan
Field Information Economy; Business Investment Analysis
Degree Ph.D. in Economics, received from Kyushu University
2010-2012 Executive Adviser to the President, Kyushu University
2004-present Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
2001-2003 Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute, U.S.A.
1999-2004 Associate Professor, Kyushu University
1995-1999 Senior Economist, Deputy Director, Japan Development Bank
1993-1995 Representative, New York Office, Japan Development Bank
1988-1990 Economist, Research Bureau of Economic Planning Agency
1984 Graduate from Kyushu University and entered Japan Development Bank
Professional service to the public and society; a professional member of several Japanese government committees regarding telecommunications policy and economic policy organized by the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry.
Major Publications
(1) Information Economy (infomeshon ekonomi),NTT Publishing, vi+279 pages, March 2014, in Japanese.
(2)Accelerating Japan’s Economic Growth, F. Gerard Adams, Lawrence R Klein, Kumasaka Yuzo, Shinozaki Akihiko, Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, U.K., xix +182 pages, October 2007.
(3) “Simulating Japan’s Alternative Growth Paths: Production Function Model Analysis on the Impact of Information Technology,” InfoCom Research, Inc., InfoCom REVIEW, No.47, March 2009, pp. 44-53.
(1) Docomo Mobile Science Award for Empirical Analysis on the Economic Impact of ICT, by The Mobile Communication Fund (2010)
(2)Telecom Social Science Award for Joho Kakumei no Kozu, by The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (2000)
(3)Fujita Future Management Economic Award for Joho Kakumei no Kozu, by Mainichi Newspapers and Fujita Institute of Future Management (1999)
(4)Most outstanding Book Award for Nihon Keizai no Gurobaru-ka, by The Trade Promotion Foundation (1998)