Thermally activated plastic deformation of Si single crystals at temperatures above 1173 K

Tubasa Suzuki, Masaki Tanaka, Tatsuya Morikawa, Jun Fujise, Toshiaki Ono

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The effect of high-temperature heat treatment during production on the mechanical property of Si wafer, namely yield stress, was studied through tensile tests of Si single crystals at 1123-1373 K, where stress-strain curves were obtained along the 1 ¯ 34 , 011 , 001 , and 1 ¯ 11 directions. The critical resolved shear stress showed a remarkable temperature dependence, and it decreased with increasing test temperature. Below 1348 K, the activation enthalpy determined through strain rate jump tests showed no significant difference between crystals made by the Chokralski and the floating zone methods. This indicated that the solute oxygen does not influence the thermally activated dislocation glides. The activation enthalpy of 4.9 eV for a dislocation glide was much higher than that reported by previous studies (2.2 eV at temperatures below 1100 K), indicating that the thermal activation of dislocation glide is different from kink-pair nucleation. It was found that self-diffusion can assist the dislocation glide at temperatures above 1130 K.

Original languageEnglish
Article number021001
JournalJapanese journal of applied physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering
  • General Physics and Astronomy


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