Nanomechanical and Structural Characteristics of Nanodiamond Composite Films Dependent on Target-Substrate Distance

Mohamed Egiza, Mohamed Ragab Diab, Koki Murasawa, Hiroshi Naragino, Tsuyoshi Yoshitake

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This study explores the optimization of target-substrate distance (TSD) in coaxial arc plasma deposition technique for depositing nanodiamond composite (NDC) films on unheated WC–Co substrates, with a focus on enhancing properties relevant to cutting tool applications. TSD significantly impacted film growth and adhesion, while hardness and Young’s modulus remained stable within the 10–50 mm TSD range. Increased TSD led to reduced deposition rates and film thickness, but improved quality by eliminating macroparticles and reducing surface roughness. Notably, the NDC film deposited at 10 mm TSD exhibited exceptional adhesion resistance, a thickness of 11.45 μm, low compressive internal stress (2.8 GPa), and a surface roughness (Sa) of 280 nm, coupled with an impressive hardness of 49.12 GPa. This film also achieved a favorable deposition rate of 1.05 nm/s. In comparison, the film deposited at 15 mm TSD displayed a maximum hardness of 51.3 GPa, lower Sa of 179 nm, but a reduced deposition rate of 0.29 nm/s. The estimated C sp3 fraction correlated well with the nanoindentation measurements, while internal stress showed a consistent relationship with film adhesion. These findings suggest that a TSD of 10 mm is optimal for balancing hardness, adhesion, deposition rate, and surface roughness, making NDC films a promising candidate for cutting tool applications.

Original languageEnglish
JournalArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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