Freestanding all-solid-state rechargeable lithium batteries with in-situ formed positive electrodes

Takayuki Yamamoto, Yu Sugiura, Hiroki Iwasaki, Munekazu Motoyama, Yasutoshi Iriyama

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Freestanding all-solid-state rechargeable lithium batteries (Li/LiPON/LATP sheet/Au, SSB) operating at 2.3 V were developed. The electrochemical insertion of lithium into a white-colored Li + conductive glass-ceramic solid electrolyte (LATP) sheet transformed the electrolyte into a blue-colored in-situ formed electrode, which provided a low-resistance electrode/solid electrolyte interface of ca. 100 Ω cm 2 . In addition, the interfacial resistances at both Li/LiPON and LiPON/LATP were less than 100 Ω cm 2 , and all the components in the SSB were combined with low-resistance interfaces. As a consequence, the resultant SSB delivered a clear redox peak at 100 mV s −1 in the cyclic voltammetry measurements at 25 °C. The reaction region of the in-situ formed electrode was limited around the Au/LATP interface at 25 °C, but this region expanded into the LATP sheet at higher temperatures. At 100 °C, the resultant SSB delivered ca. 300 μΑh cm −2 and a volumetric energy density of 53 Wh L −1 . The electronic conductivity of the in-situ formed electrode appeared to control the reaction region, and thus a SSB using a carbon-LATP composite sheet delivered a larger discharge capacity at 25 °C than that of the SSB using only LATP operated at 100 °C. The use of conductive LATP sheets may be a possible solution for developing SSBs that can be rationally designed according to the operational environments of the IoTs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-23
Number of pages5
JournalSolid State Ionics
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry
  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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