Determinatioii of anion and cation in ambient aerosol by ion chromatography

Kentaro Murano, Motoyuki Mizuochi, Itsushi Uno, Tsutomu Fukuyama, Shinji Wakamatsu

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3 Citations (Scopus)


To obtain horizontal distribution of photochemically generated ions in aerosol above Kanto area, and to investigate the effect of the wind profile conditions on photochemical smog generation, we conducted photochemical smog survey above Kanto area by using a small aircraft. The wind profiles of Kanto area were obtained by pilot ballon measurement at 23 positions. Ambient aerosol above Kanto area were collected by the sequential sampler equipped with polytetrafluoro-ethylene filter, then the water soluble components were extracted and analysed by ion chromatography. There are mainly chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and ammonium ion above Kanto area. The horizontal distribution of water soluble ions were obtained and the correlation between them and the other photochemical smog generation parameter e. g. ozone concentrations was discussed, because it is capable of analysing the water soluble ions as small as five min sampling of aerosol with the method mentioned above. There is positive correlation between ozone and sulfate ion, both of which are generated by photochemical reaction, and ammonium ion is also correlated well with sulfate ion. There is no correlation between ozone and nitrate ion. Measurement of ion balance indicate that sulfate ion exist as ammonium sulfate above Kanto area. In one flight, high concentration of sulfate appeared in the west part of the Sagami Bay and in the border of Tokyo Metropolitan and Saitama Prefectures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)620-625
Number of pages6
Journalbunseki kagaku
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1983
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Analytical Chemistry


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