Detailed investigation of elastic properties of YbPd single crystal

Yoshiki Nakanishi, Toru Kamiyama, Kazuhisa Deto, Fumitaka Shichinomiya, Reiko Kashiwazaki, Mitsuteru Nakamura, Masahito Yoshizawa, Masaki Sugishima, Akihiro Mitsuda, Hirofumi Wada

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2 Citations (Scopus)


We have investigated elastic properties of the mixed-valent intermetallic compound YbPd by means of ultrasonic measurements on the single-crystals. A pronounced elastic anomaly (elastic softening) was observed at around the transition temperature T1≈130 K with a significant hysteresis, being indicative of a first-order phase transition. Furthermore, it was found that the elastic anomaly showing up around T1 was hardly affected by application of a magnetic field, suggesting the non-magnetic origin. We can analyze quantitatively the temperature dependence of all measured elastic modes C11 and C44 with a Jahn-Teller formula. Our findings suggest that the pronounced elastic softening toward T1 will enable us to predict the possible charge ordering origin.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberSA093
Journaljournal of the physical society of japan
Issue numberSUPPL. A
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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