CCS-A technology for now: General discussion

Jet Sing M. Lee, Gary Rochelle, Peter Styring, Paul Fennell, Grant Wilson, Martin Trusler, Peter Clough, John Blamey, Matthew Dunstan, Niall Macdowell, Stephen Lyth, Joseph Yao, Thomas Hills, Matteo Gazzani, Patrick Brandl, Rahul Anantharaman, Stefano Brandani, Joshuah Stolaroff, Marco Mazzotti, Geoffrey MaitlandChristoph Müller, George Dowson, Jon Gibbins, Raffaella Ocone, Kyra Sedransk Campbell, María Erans, Liya Zheng, Daniel Sutter, Andac Armutlulu, Berend Smit

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


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