重要構造物におけるマスコンクリートの品質管理−保護塗装の効果と耐久性に関する 36 年のモニタリング試験結果−

Translated title of the contribution: STUDY ON QUALITY CONTROL OF MASS CONCRETE IN IMPORTANT STRUCTURES − Results of monitoring tests related to durability and effect of coatings up to 36 years −

Genki Uchikoshi, Yasumichi Koshiro, Tomoyuki Koyama

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


We describe the study of the monitoring test using the full-size simulated models related to durability of coating and effect of surface coating of concrete for preventing penetration of the salts transported by sea breezes. First we study the effects of factors influencing durability against the concrete which coated and uncoated. Next, we have the result of the concrete properties, chloride contents and carbonated thickness. Finally we conduct the properties of concrete durability up to 36 years age and the method of monitoring test using the full-size members simulating general part of the real structures.

Translated title of the contributionSTUDY ON QUALITY CONTROL OF MASS CONCRETE IN IMPORTANT STRUCTURES − Results of monitoring tests related to durability and effect of coatings up to 36 years −
Original languageJapanese
Pages (from-to)40-45
Number of pages6
JournalAIJ Journal of Technology and Design
Issue number71
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Architecture
  • Building and Construction


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