Tetsu Saigusa
- Niigata University
- Kyushu University
- Department of Cellular Physiology
- Laboratory of Biosignaling
- Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
External person
Daisuke Hagiwara
- Chiba University
- Nagoya University
- University of Tsukuba
- Tohoku University
External person
Junichiro Marui
- Tohoku University
- New Industry Creation Hatchery Centre
- Nagoya University
External person
Nobuo N. Noda
- Hokkaido University
- Department of Structural Biology
- Tokyo
- Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation
External person
Shinsuke Shibata
- Keio University
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Physiology
- Niigata University
External person
Masashi Kato
- Department of Applied Biological Chemistry
- Meijo University
- Nagoya University
External person
Kazuyoshi Murata
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Institute for Physiological Sciences
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
External person
Chihong Song
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Institute for Physiological Sciences
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
External person
Tatsuya Maeda
- The University of Tokyo
- Inst. of Molec. and Cell. Biosci.
- Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
External person
David C. Chan
- California Institute of Technology
- Division of Biology, Biological Imaging Center
- Division of Biology, 216-76
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
External person
Yusuke Kurihara
- Niigata University
- Kyushu University
- Laboratory of Biosignaling
- Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Division of Pharmaceutical Cell Biology
- Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Fukuoka University
External person
Lin Chen
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
External person
Tamotsu Yoshimori
- Osaka University
- Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Genetics Mishima
- Department of Genetics
- Department of Cellular Regulation
- Department of Cell Genetics
- Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
- Department of Genetics
- Osaka University
- Osaka University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Maho Hamasaki
- Kyushu University
- Osaka University
- Department of Genetics
- Division of Image Analysis
- Department of Genetics
- Department of Biology
- Department of Biology
- Osaka University
- Osaka University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Hiromi Kirisako
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Frontier Research Center
- Institute of Science Tokyo
External person
Xiulian Jin
- Niigata University
- Department of Cellular Physiology
- Laboratory of Biosignaling
External person
Hitoshi Nakatogawa
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology
- Frontier Research Center
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Institute of Science Tokyo
External person
Yuki Sugiura
- Keio University
- Department of Biochemistry
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Kyoto University
External person
Yasuyoshi Sakai
- Kyoto University
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- University of Oslo
- Division of Applied Life Sciences
- Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
- Division of Applied Life Sciences
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Katsuyoshi Mihara
- Kyushu University
- Kurume University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Graduate School of Medical Sciences
- Department of Protein Biochemistry
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science
External person
Sonhita Chakraborty
External person
Daisuke Noshiro
- Kanazawa University
- Hokkaido University
- Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation
External person
Ricard Solé
- Pompeu Fabra University
- CSIC-UPF - Institute of Evolutionary Biology
- Santa Fe Institute
External person
Satoshi Tsukamoto
- National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
- Tokyo Medical and Dental University
- Laboratory Animal Sciences Section
- Department of Physiology and Cell Biology
- Institute of Science Tokyo
External person
Yasushi Okada
- Laboratory for Cell Polarity Regulation
- The University of Tokyo
- International Center for Elementary Particle Physics
External person